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Friday, July 11, 2008

Napkin Folding - The Puppy

Yes, napkin folding, I was serious!
I decided for my first foray, I should do something with my daughter, seeing as it's Saturday and all.

Here, for your amusement, is the Puppy fold.

Embellished with lollies, it's a cute idea for kids parties apparently. Hmm.

You'll need:
Paper napkins
Round lollies, maybe a banana lollie if you have one.

I am using what I have, simply because we're moving in a week
and I'm trying to use stuff up. So we're using hellokitty round sweets.

Step One.
Open out your napkin,
and fold into a triangle point down.

Step Two.
Fold down the side points, from the centre point, to make ears.

Step Three. Make Another fold, this time turn the outer ear point under, repeat for other ear.

Step Four: Fold top point down to make a flat head.

Step Five: Fold up the bottom point into a crease to make the muzzle shape. Add lollies once napkins are in place.

Now, the colours I have used, perhaps aren't the best, but they re what I had. Tan or beige napkins with brown and blue smarties would be very cute.

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